The religion of light – Podcasting

Pharaoh Amenhotep IV changed the name to Akhenaten in honor of the god Aten.
After his death his name was erased from the lists of kings, all his monuments, all his
symbols were destroyed to erase his memory. In modern times, his epigraphs dating
back to the time of Amarna (Akhetaten) were rediscovered, and it became clear that
Akhenaten had carried out an unprecedented religious reform. He had destroyed the
symbols of Egyptian polytheism, replacing them with a monotheistic cult of a new
god of light, which he called “Aten”. The theology to which it was inspired was that
of the “solar cult”.

Voice speaker : Valentina Ferraro

#akhenaten #nefertiti #amarna #anubitv #aten #history
